Going Green In Spring: Week One, Declutter

Posted by Bamboo Village on 6th Oct 2015

Week 1 - Declutter

Spring is here and the cold is behind us -- phew! With the delightful sunlight and lovely season upon us, it's a great time for some spring cleaning and sorting...the green way, of course. Each week we'll be focusing on various different aspects of spring cleaning and including some great tips to ensure you're as green as possible whatever you do.

This week we're looking at decluttering. Spring cleaning is a great concept, but the idea of decluttering and getting rid of 'stuff' can be quite daunting - what do you keep? What do you do with the things you want to get rid of? Take a look at these ideas and suggestions, and remember to enjoy the process; decluttering can be fun!

The first question. Do I Need It?

Look at something you're debating over. Have you used it in the past year? Does anyone in your household need it? More importantly, do you really need it? If your answers are heading towards 'No', it is time to get rid, especially if it hasn't been used in some time.

It's very easy to stuff lots of things in to a box or cupboard and decide you'll sort them later, but this is where a clutter comes from. Set aside a good few hours to really sort through piles of clothes/books and 'stuff' (we all have those piles!) and declutter your home.

What can you do with something once you're decided to toss it?

Recycle It - Things like old magazines and notebooks can all be recycled. Don't throw them into the regular bin. It isn't just paper based household items that can be recycled either - all sorts of materials can be. Check with your local recycling area about what they can take. Usually if there is something that can't be recycled, they'll have an area for this too and it will be dealt with in the best way possible for the environment.

Donate It - Charity is such a worthwhile cause when you want to declutter your home. Pack things into boxes or bags that you don't want any more and either arrange for them to be picked up by a local charity or take them down to your nearest charity shop. They'll be so grateful for the donation and as well as being green, you're helping good causes. Bonus!

Give It Away - Just because you don't want something anymore, doesn't mean a loved one won't. See if your friends or family want anything you're getting rid of. Old games and toys might serve a friend of a friend well if they're expecting. Books you've read will always find another passionate reader.

What are your tips for decluttering? Tell us over on Facebook.