4 Eco-Friendly Habits That Can Save You Money

Posted by Bamboo Village on 9th Oct 2013

When we contribute towards helping the environment and being more eco-friendly, it is great to know we are making a difference, even if only a small one; sometimes even the slightest of things can make the biggest change. There are some eco-friendly habits that can actually benefit you financially too, which is a massive bonus; saving the environment and pocketing a few dollars? Yes please!

Decrease your energy usage - Are you guilty of leaving lamps on when you leave the room? It can seem like such a minor thing to do, but switching them off can make all the difference to being more eco-friendly, as well as saving you money in the long run too when your bills reduce. Some great things to think about around the home are: boiling only the water you need in the kettle, switching off anything you don't need to use, and turning the TV off at the wall when you leave the room (and not just via the controls!).

Recycling your wardrobe - Everyone is guilty of having clothes in their wardrobe that haven't seen the light of day in some time, and probably never will again. Instead of throwing them away though, recycle them. There are several ways to do this; you can donate them to a charity shop, give them to friends and family, or sell them on eBay. EBay is becoming increasingly popular to sell unwanted items; someone’s trash is inevitably someone else treasure, and if it means you save the environment instead of throwing things away, we're fully supportive! The money you make means you can buy new things too, a great bonus.

Gadget recycling - Think about things sitting in boxes around your home; have you got any old gadgets sitting around? Such things as old game consoles and phones from your previous contracts can sit untouched for years, when you can actually be very eco-friendly and recycle them instead. You can either sell them to someone who needs them, or recycle them and ensure they are disposed of responsibly. You may be able to get some money back for your gadgets that you recycle, even if they don't work properly.

Get rid of an old car - How's your car looking, has it seen better days? If you're considering getting a new one, go for it; old cars can actually cause a lot of environmental damage through pollution and emissions, not to mention the costs you could be spending on repairs. If you get a newer model, you not only reduce the damage to the planet and get a safer more fuel-efficient car, but you can save money on fuel consumption and repairs too. Some companies will actually buy your old car off you for scrap metal or parts, putting you even more in pocket.

Have you got any additional eco-friendly tips that also help you financially? We'd love to hear them!